The Lexington Woman’s Club is a charitable organization which creates and maintains an organized center of thought and action among the members for the promotion of social, educational, and cultural growth, and to promote the betterment of humanity at large.
- Our major fundraiser is the Bids for Kids held in April each year.
- We are members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs Kentucky (GFWCKY), a state-wide organization of women’s clubs.
- We are members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), an international organization of women’s clubs.

Requirements to Join
- Any female resident of the Greater Lexington Area is eligible for membership, subject to the prescribed forms of nomination approved, election, and payment of prescribed fees.
- Transfer from a GFWC/GFWCKY club outside of Fayette County may apply at any time during the year by submitting a transfer application to the Membership Chair.
- Transfer members from local Junior Clubs may apply at any time during the year, providing the transferee is in good standing and has been a member of the local club for 3 years. or
- If you have questions or are interested in joining, please contact Rhonda Fister, Membership Chair at We look forward to hearing from you!
Apply Now!
Fill out and sign a copy of our Membership Application then submit it per the instructions on the form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Member Responsibilities
- Attend general meetings and join and participate in at least one department.
- Work at least 4 times a year at the Clothing Center or fulfill this responsibility by doing laundry, mending clothing, stocking shelves, etc.
- Make or obtain one Clothe-A-Child donation.
- Serve on at least one sub-committee of the annual fundraiser and buy or sell at least one ticket.
- Any member not able to comply with a certain responsibility should contact the Membership Chair. The Membership Chair shall bring a member’s situation or situations to the attention of the Executive Board or General Board at her discretion.
The dues are $70 for members per annum, payable in May. Members joining throughout the year will pay pro-rated dues depending upon the month they join.
- Eight general meetings shall be held the first Tuesday of the month, August through May, as chosen by the board of directors..
- Departments will schedule their own meetings. Departments are:
Reasons to Join
#1 Community Service
Through LWC’s Children’s Clothing Center, we provide a week’s worth of school clothing to over 1500 under-served K-5 grade school children in Fayette County each year. LWC members raise money to purchase school clothing so each child can have two new outfits – pants/jeans, tops, underwear, coat, hat, gloves, toiletries, and a book. We also provide gently used clothing in good repair. The clothing center is set up like a department store. Members and volunteers help the children pick out what they like so their shopping experience is fun for them.
LWC funds a full tuition college scholarship annually for a Fayette County female student over 25 years of age — a lifeline to women who are struggling to pay increasing college costs while maintaining their families and jobs. We also give $500 to a graduating high school senior in Fayette County who has excelled in service to his/her community and school.
And we actively support programs such as KET TeleFund, veterans’ services, the Ronald McDonald House, God’s Pantry, and others.
#2 Friendship
We truly love our LWC sisterhood and like being together, whether at meetings, planning our annual fundraiser, working at our Children’s Clothing Center, interviewing scholarship applicants, working on service projects, visiting interesting businesses—or just having lunch.
We offer each other support, encouragement, comfort, and companionship. These benefits are shared by club women from all walks of life, with varied perspectives and diverse backgrounds. Whether you’ve lived in the Bluegrass for years or are new to the area, there is no better way to meet new people, enjoy worthwhile activities, and cultivate lifelong friendships than to join Lexington Woman’s Club.
#3 Developing Leadership Skills and Networking
We encourage new members to take leadership roles. Serving as an LWC officer, committee chairperson, or member of a special project team builds leadership skills that help you learn how to motivate and influence other people in a positive way.
Even if you don’t see yourself becoming the club president one day, you will still have opportunities to take part in committees and special projects or hold officer positions, if you wish.
Lexington Woman’s Club members represent a cross section of successful women from the community who come from all walks of life. Many members are business women who can offer career advice or referrals. You can also meet our program speakers, many of whom are prominent business owners, community leaders, and educators, at our general and department meetings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Join?
Any adult female resident of the greater Lexington area and Fayette County twenty-one years of age or older may apply for membership. We have members across a wide age range, with even some mother/daughter and sister/sister-in-law members. We are a fun and friendly group.
Do I have to have a sponsor? What if I don’t know anyone in the club?
If you don’t know a member, contact us so we can invite you to a meeting, a volunteer session, or a prospective member coffee. Because we work so closely together on important projects, we like to get to know about potential members’ interests and strengths.
Where do you meet?
We meet at various locations in Lexington (businesses, country clubs, restaurants, UK, members’ homes, libraries, etc.) depending on the program. Members do not have to attend all meetings.
How much does it cost?
Annual dues are $70, payable by June 1st. Members who join during the club year pay pro-rated dues. Members must also buy or sell one $50 annual fundraiser ticket and make or sell one $50 Clothe-A-Child donation per year.
Can I attend a meeting or volunteer with your organization prior to applying for membership?
Yes! Absolutely! Call us, and we will tell you about upcoming meetings, coffee get-togethers, or volunteer activities to choose from.
What are the member requirements?
We do have a lot of fun and enjoy getting together, but we are a service organization and require that our members be able to fulfill these responsibilities:
- Pay annual dues of $70
- Attend general meetings & join/participate in a department (see the two department names below)
- Work four mornings a year at the Children’s Clothing Center or fulfill this responsibility by repairing clothing, doing laundry, participating in clothing center project days, etc.
- Make or obtain one $50 Clothe-A-Child donation
- Serve on a sub-committee of the annual fundraiser & buy or sell at least one $50 ticket to the event.
When are your meetings?
We provide a club yearbook with a calendar of all scheduled meetings, programs, and locations, so you’ll have time to plan ahead. You are not required to attend all meetings.
- General (club-wide) meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month, Aug. – May. Daytime meetings are held at 10 am. For members who can’t attend daytime meetings, we hold three general meetings a year at 6 PM.
- Department meetings: In addition to our general meetings, new members choose from three departments to join. Members are always welcome to any department’s meetings.
- Civic Engagement & Outreach — meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10 AM.
- Environment—meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10 AM.
Who do I contact?
Don’t be shy. Guests are welcome, and we want to meet you! Interested women can contact Rhonda Fister, Membership Chair, at or call Beth Hill at 859-396-9375.